A little bit about me...


Just thought I'd tell you a little bit about me and my SW journey as you are taking time to read my blog.

Well, the photo above is me (admittedly with a little added makeup). The photo was taken just before Christmas 2012, I had lost 5 and a half stone (I'll add a pre SW picture later).

I am 38 years old and I live in Kent with my other half and a beautiful ginger tom cat. I work in an office in central London doing stuff that really would bore you to tears so I won't bother with that. I can't complain, it pays the bills and keeps us fed and warm!

I was born in South London and lived there with my parents and three older brothers for most of my life.

I've been a little overweight most of my life. I was never massively overweight as a child but my weight slowly crept up and up as I got older. I remember when I started work 20 years ago we had to be weighed (taking a medical before you got a job was pretty standard back then), I remember being about 11 stone which was quite a lot for a girl of 5 ft.

I think I just carried on getting heavier year on year after that. Never drastically quickly, but enough to have to get slightly larger closes every year or so. Luckily my weight never really effected my health. My GP has always been quite disappointed to never find anything wrong with me. I didn't have, and still don't have, high blood pressure or cholesterol and I do not have diabetes. I've been fairly active on and off most of my life (overweight or not), I used to play roller hockey and I've taken dance classes, yoga, step and was a keen badminton player for a few years and of course been an on and off gym member (haven't we all!).

However, excercise or no, by 2012 I was wearing size 24 trousers and tops that you could use alternatively as a small tee-pee should you require!

On April 28th 2012 I went and joined Slimming World. I have to confess it was a bit of a spur of the moment thing. I'd been thinking for a while that I could use losing a couple of stone (I say a couple of stone as I figured I'd been overweight for so long that was all I could hope for), but I looked at other weight loss groups and there wasn't really anything that local or at the right time. Then my friend just happen to mention that she joined SW the week before just up the road from me so I asked if I could join her that evening for the meeting.

I arrived at the hall, met this lovely crazy lady who was the SW Consultant had the members talk and then hit the scales. I weighed in at a hefty hideaway 18 stone 3.5lb. Everyone was lovely, really welcoming and not at all judgemental. Everyone was there for the same reason, whether they had to lost 2 stone or 20 stone we were all in it together. I have to admit that I was utterly confused by the whole thing! My head was spinning with free food, super free, super speed, reds, greens, syns, I had v little idea of what I was meant to be doing!

As I did start on a whim, I was utterly unprepared food wise. All I could remember was that  that I could eat potatoes and eggs and veg as much as I liked so that was enough to get me started. So I remember starting my first week eating jacket potatoes, salads and boiled eggs. I also, to my amazement discovered that fruit was actually nice! I had never been much of a fruit eater, it's always had more of an 'ornimental' purpose in my house, but I added large regular portions to my diet and I actually really like it!

Anyway, I lost 3.5lb that first week. I had read my SW books cover to cover and had created a menu plan for the following week. I really loved the way I could eat everything that I really liked, some with minor tweaks, but no weighing and measuring or faffing about.

Well, we are now in March 2013, I have just been awarded my 6 stone award and also Greatest Loser 2013. I've learned some things over the last 10 months and SW has become a way of life. I go to group and stay to group every week.Quite simply it works and I'd never have thought in a million years that I would have to change my diet in such small ways to get these amazing results. I never thought I would be 'slim' and I confess I am not yet, but I am pretty confident that I perhaps will be sometime this year.

My journey to target is now well underway and I have started this blog as so many people have asked me how I have achieved these result so far. My food diary, which I do in a little note book has become 'infamous' at my group with lots of others starting one of their own. To my own amazement I have lost weight every week since I started.

Basically SW is amazing, the people are amazing, I've made some great friends and listening to everyone's stories, recipes and even sharing disasters every week is inspirational.

I hope to use this blog to let you know how I'm doing and perhaps tell me your story and your tips.

If I can do this, anyone can.

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